Hi, I’m Benjamin 👋
Completed my Ph.D. in theoretical physics at the age of 24, currently building a network for defense innovation in Europe, and writing a blog on Startups Shaping the Future of Computing 🤓
As a venture partner, I am helping Lunar Ventures invest in deep-tech startups shaping the future of computing, from novel AI chips to leveraging AI for materials development 🦾

I am organizing this year a bunch of events
Check out lu.ma/eurodefensetech and lu.ma/futureofcomputing

Early Study
They attend lectures alongside high school, take exams like real students, and there are around 2,000 of them across Germany: schoolchildren taking part in the program ‘early study.’
What began as a pilot project around the turn of the millennium inspired universities throughout Germany with its success and prepares early students today for tomorrow’s studies.
Based on three years of my own experience and a recent survey by the Deutsche Telekom Stiftung, I wrote this book to tell a story of how early study can succeed.

About Benjamin
When I registered for the program “early study” at TU Dresden as a pupil, I would have never imagined finishing my undergraduate studies in physics three years later.
It all began with a lecture about experimental physics in the first term. After passing the exam, I continued freshly motivated to participate in early study also in the following terms. Driven by curiosity and thanks to the constant support of both my high school, Humboldt-Gymnasium Radeberg, and the university, TU Dresden, I completed courses originally not intended for early students and took exams of lectures I could not attend.
After three years, I finished 2015 my Bachelor of Science in physics alongside my high school degree (‘Abitur’). During these three years, for sure, I have learned tons of physics. But, more importantly, I have also learned to manage myself and handle multiple projects – reliably, persistently, and simultaneously.
During my master’s studies in physics at TU Dresden, I went a year on research exchange for my Master’s thesis to the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, thanks to scholarships from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes.
In 2017, I started my Ph.D. in theoretical physics at TU Dresden, researching the properties of magnetic materials, in particular, chiral antiferromagnets, using mean-field theory and numerical Python simulations. During that time, I also initiated the ‘Student Research Expo,’ an exhibition of student research projects, and led a group within the Youth German Physical Society dedicated to the national research data infrastructure (NFDI).
In 2019, I wrote the first book about ‘Early Study,’ and to publish it, I founded my own publishing house: Visual Ink Publishing (‘V.I.P.’). Following the Covid pandemic, I helped publish 10+ books about digitally assisted learning, agile education, and teaching and learning methods.
I defended my Ph.D. thesis in theoretical physics in 2021 and went through the Entrepreneur First startup program – meeting lots of cool people but no co-founder to launch a tech startup. Then, I switched gears and joined Lunar Ventures as an investor.
It’s been two incredible years at Lunar Ventures, where I’ve had the chance to learn a ton about VC and deep tech, meet many great entrepreneurs and fellow investors, and lead our investment in SemiQon – a Finnish quantum hardware startup, building silicon-based quantum processors for the million-qubit era.
Now, I am back on the founder’s side, working on my next big thing.
Stay tuned 🚀